

VAT Loans embraces diversity and values everyone for their merits. We therefore treat each individual fairly and consistently in Employment. We ensure that we provide equality of opportunity and treatment regardless of characteristics. These include race, colour, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

Pay and benefits

Here we pay above what is deemed to be the minimum amount. As well as complying with all national regulations on pay and benefits and to support equal pay for work of equal value.

Working hours

VAT Loans does comply with national regulations on working hours. Working more than 48 hours a week is something we don’t allow our employees to do on a regular basis. On average we make sure they have access to at least one, if not two, non-working days per seven days on average.

Forced labour

Each individual should be free to choose to terminate their employment in accordance with established laws, rules and regulations. VAT Loans will therefore, not under any circumstances use any type of involuntary or forced labour. This includes indentured, bonded, slave or human trafficked labour. VAT Loans is opposed to the use of any form of child labour practices. We do not employ anyone under the age of 18.

Treating Customers Fairly (TCF)

TCF is an important element of the FCA‘s requirements and is a fundamental part of the “spirit of the FCA guidelines.” However, this section is about how VAT Loans reasonably meet our customers’ expectations and our corporate responsibility. You can find more information on this on our Corporate Responsibility page here.

Contact Us about Employment

If you would like more information, please get in touch.