Climate Positive

We aim to plant

Climate Positive

trees in the next 5 years

We aim to remove

Climate Positive

tonnes of CO2 in the next five years

Our tree planting scheme

Here at VAT Loans our sister company, WestWon Limited, is continuing to expand their green agenda. They have teamed up with a company called Ecologi. They plant trees on behalf of over 11,000 companies and also offset carbon in order to help fight climate change. WestWon does this by calculating our employees emissions. Therefore they plant trees or funding climate projects that will neutralise those emissions.

Just like our sister company, we will be planting a tree for every month of your lease agreement with us. For example, for a 5 year agreement, that’s 60 months, and 60 trees planted! We can’t wait to help our climate further. As well as this we will ensure the safety of our future planet.

If you would like to join us on our journey and help contribute, then please reach out and contact us. You can alternatively view the virtual WestWon woodland here.

Our current numbers…

  • 42345

    trees planted in the WestWon Woodland

  • 3175.88

    tonnes of carbon reduced from the atmosphere

Proud winners of Net Zero Business of the Year Award 2022…

net zero business of the year
net zero winners


You can see the WestWon woodland via our virtual forest. This can be found here on Ecologi’s website. On this, you can see the types of trees that are planted, as well as how long they have been in the forest. You can also learn about the projects we have contributed to so far.

Internally, we will keep a detailed record of the trees that are planted. As well as the companies that have contributed, and how many. Externally, we send out certificates at the end of each month to companies who have leased with us. We are also running a social media campaign. Whereby if the certificate is reposted, we will plant an extra 10 trees on your behalf. We hope this will therefore reinforce our desire for a more sustainable world.

For now, we will be known as a ‘climate positive workforce’. This means we are simply positively contributing to the environment. When we have offset our carbon for our employees we will be known as a carbon neutral company. Only when this has been achieved, can we look at our main future goal of becoming a climate negative company. This will take longer however, due to the rarity and expense of carbon removal credits.

Chairman’s Statement

Here at VAT Loans, we are taking as many steps as we can towards becoming more sustainable. Firstly, we are proud to say that we are a climate positive company. This therefore means that we have had our carbon emissions calculated collectively as a company. This amount is offset monthly with the planting of 300 trees per month. Secondly, we have been a paperless office for several years now. We have managed this by loading all of our documents onto our personalised CRM system. And any necessary paper we use is recycled. Adding to that, we have recycling bins on all floors of the office. Our team can recycle any plastics, tins, cardboards or paper they need to dispose of throughout the day. Additionally, we have LED lighting installed all throughout the office. This significantly reduces our energy waste annually.

Ecologi’s projects are operated by Eden Reforestation Projects. Their mission is to give reforestation employment opportunities to villagers in need, and ensure that they are paid fairly. So, not only are they dedicated to protecting the planet, but they change the lives of those local to the tree planting projects for the better.

Ecologi are transparent with regards to how their funding is spent. This was one of the main reasons we chose to team up with them. They prioritise trust and transparency as their core values, this is important to us. On their website they demonstrate how their money is spent with a pie chart, this showing that 85% is spent on their climate protection projects, whilst the remaining 15% is spent on running costs and spreading awareness.

View our Climate Positive Charter below