Entries by Millie Newton

VAT loans for scaffolding companies

Most scaffolding companies we speak to about leasing for their kit, are not aware that we can also offer VAT loans. It’s not a new product / our loan service, but it is a product that seems to be growing in interest. Read on for more information on how we can organise a VAT loan […]

VAT Loan Interest Rate

What is a HMRC VAT loan? A HMRC VAT loan is a specific form of financing for a VAT bill. There are a few key elements to a VAT Loan Interest Rate and a VAT loan that make it different from other forms of funding: The loan principle is paid directly to HMRC (in the […]

When does a UK company have to pay a VAT bill?

Once you have registered for VAT, you have to submit a VAT return on either a monthly or quarterly basis. The vast majority of UK SME companies will submit their VAT return per quarter as opposed to monthly, purely from an administration perspective. Below is a bit more on when does a UK company have […]

Applying for a VAT finance loan

One question we often get asked is why does a UK company come to us for a VAT finance loan as opposed to speaking to their High Street bank? And what is included when applying for a VAT finance loan? The reasons we hear are always the same: Banks take too long to get a […]

Loans to pay VAT

Here at VAT Loans we have loans to pay VAT that have pre-approval in minutes and a decision in 24 hours. No messing around here! We went onto a VAT funding competitors’ website the other day, advertising “pre-approval in minutes.” I put in our company name, VAT funding needed, my name, email address and mobile […]

Spread your HMRC VAT bill over three months!

Did you know, you can spread your HMRC VAT bill over three months via a VAT loan from VAT Loans? Many SME business owners will ask us “why does a VAT loan product actually exist? Surely, a business has collected in VAT revenue and the money has been put aside for paying the bill three […]

Top 10 Tips for VAT business loans and funding

Many UK business owners dread that time every quarter when the VAT bill falls due. It’s that lump sum of money which for many companies has aided cash flow in the previous three months and now needs to be turned over to HMRC. Ironically, for many companies, the more VAT you pay to HMRC, the […]

What is a VAT loan?

As a business owner with a turnover above £85,000, your business must be VAT registered. Every three months your business will require you to submit a VAT return to HMRC, even if you haven’t got any VAT to pay or reclaim. Having monthly outgoings such as rent, wages and supplier payments can make it difficult […]

VAT Loans For Professionals

As a business owner expenses come from all different directions, including your VAT bill. VAT returns are every 3 months where you submit a VAT return to HM Revenue and Customs. It is compulsory to do so, even if your business has no VAT to pay or reclaim. If your company is struggling to pay […]

Professional Indemnity Insurance – solicitors and law firms

In this blog I will be discussing Professional Indemnity Insurance funding for solicitors and law firms. Did you know there are 12,000 legal firms in the UK placing their Professional Indemnity insurance by the 1st October every year. The Law Gazette recently published an article stating that premiums have increased by up to 50%*over previous […]