How to Use VAT Loans to Optimise Cash Flow

How to Use VAT Loans to Optimise Cash Flow

Without cash coming in and flowing out, growth and success can be extremely difficult to achieve. One issue that many business owners face is managing their VAT payments and ensuring they have enough cash to cover them. This is where VAT loans can come in handy. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at VAT loans, why they can be useful, and how to use them to optimise your cash flow.

Why are VAT loans useful?

There are a number of reasons why VAT loans can be helpful for businesses. Firstly, they can provide the cash needed to cover VAT payments. This allows businesses to avoid penalties and fees for late payment. Secondly, VAT loans can help businesses to manage cash flow more effectively. This is done by spreading the cost of VAT payments over a period of time. This can help to free up cash for other business operations and investment. Finally, VAT loans can be a useful tool for businesses that are going through a period of growth or expansion, allowing them to manage their cash flow more effectively.

How do you use VAT loans to optimise cash flow?

To optimise your cash flow using VAT loans, it’s important to plan ahead and understand your VAT payment schedule. This will enable you to identify periods where cash flow may be tight and plan accordingly. When applying for a VAT loan, it’s important to shop around to find the best deal. Therefore take into account interest rates, fees, and repayment terms. It’s also important to ensure that you have the ability to make the loan repayments on time and that borrowing won’t put undue pressure on your cash flow.

It’s worth noting that VAT loans shouldn’t be seen as a long-term finance solution. They are however designed to help businesses manage short-term cash flow issues and should be used as such. It’s important to re-evaluate your cash flow regularly and take steps to improve it where possible.

VAT loans can be a useful tool for businesses looking to optimise their cash flow. By providing the cash needed to cover VAT payments and spreading the cost over a period of time, businesses can free up cash for other operations and investments. However, it’s important to plan ahead, and ensure that borrowing won’t put undue pressure on your cash flow. VAT loans are a short-term finance solution and should be used as such. If you would like more information on how to use VAT Loans to optimise cash flow then please contact us.

VAT Loans for Start-ups: Funding Your Business Growth

VAT Loans for Start-ups: Funding Your Business Growth

Starting your own business is a massive accomplishment. As a start-up owner, you’re passionate about making your business succeed, and the last thing you want is any financial constraint hindering your growth. However, sometimes it seems like the expenses of running a business are endless, from buying office equipment to paying staff salaries. One aspect of business that many start-ups often overlook is VAT loans. VAT loans for start-ups is an excellent way to help in funding your business growth, and this blog post is going to walk you through everything you need to know.

What is a VAT loan?

A VAT loan is a loan meant to help you pay Value Added Tax (VAT) payable on goods and services. When you’re a registered VAT entity in the UK, it becomes mandatory to file VAT returns and make VAT payments, which can be an additional financial burden for start-ups. VAT loans can enable you to spread the cost of VAT payments over a more manageable period, freeing up cash flow for other areas of business growth.

Why are VAT loans essential for start-ups?

Start-ups often operate on a tight budget, making access to working capital crucial to fund different aspects of growth. VAT loans are a form of working capital and can significantly help bridge the gaps between cash flow and financial obligations. Additionally, taking a VAT loan can also help you build-up good credit history, which can be beneficial when seeking additional funding options in the future.

How can I qualify for a VAT loan?

To qualify for a VAT loan, you must be a registered business that files VAT returns. As long as your business meets these criteria, you can apply for a VAT loan. Many lenders offer VAT loans, including online lenders, traditional banks, and financing companies.

What are the benefits of taking a VAT loan?

Taking a VAT loan can have several benefits for start-ups, including:

  • Improved working capital: VAT loans can help improve the cash flow of your business, which is crucial for start-ups.
  • Better financial management: Spreading the cost of VAT payments can help you manage your financial obligations efficiently.
  • Early VAT return refund: Some lenders offer early return refunds to enable you to access your VAT returns before the standard filing and refund period.

In conclusion, VAT loans are an excellent way for start-ups to finance their growth. Not only do they help spread the cost of VAT payments, but they also improve working capital and financial management. If you would like more information on VAT loans for start-ups for funding your business growth please contact us.

Why VAT Loans Are Vital for the Growth of Small Businesses

Why VAT Loans Are Vital for the Growth of Small Businesses

One way smaller businesses can acquire necessary funds is through Value Added Tax (VAT) loans. VAT loans are designed to alleviate the cash flow constraints caused by VAT payment delays by the government. These loans offer a convenient way for businesses to address short-term financial complications and help maintain a steady cash flow. In this blog post, we will explore why VAT loans are vital for the growth of small businesses.

1. Helps to Keep Cash Flows Steady

Small businesses can suffer from inconsistent cash flow, with buying inventory or paying staff on time becoming a challenge. With VAT loans, businesses can keep their cash flows consistent and improve their financial stability. These loans are therefore designed to help businesses manage payments by offering a cash advance ahead of their VAT payments. This allows businesses to take care of bills and expenses, and avoid late payments and penalties.

2. Offers Flexible Repayment Options

One of the most significant benefits of VAT loans is their flexibility. Businesses can therefore choose to repay VAT loans over a few months to up to a year. This offers businesses the ability to make repayments in a manageable and practical fashion. The repayment plans for VAT loans can be tailor-made to fit the specific needs of the business. This allows businesses to regain control of their finances without incurring additional debt.

3. Boosts Growth and Expansion

VAT loans are specifically designed to help small businesses improve their cash flow and help them grow. They are not designed with only short-term loans in mind; the loans are intended to help businesses expand and succeed in the long-term. When businesses can manage their finances better, it allows them to invest in new machinery or equipment, which in turn helps increase productivity, improves speed of service, and reduces downtime. This can lead to increased revenue and profits.

4. Could save Money in the Long Run

By taking advantage of a VAT loan, businesses can save money. Late payments of VAT attract a penalty from HM Revenue & Customs, further putting a strain on cash flow. A loan will help the business pay the VAT on time, avoiding the late payment fees and interest rates. This means businesses can spend more time focusing on growth and development rather than worrying about how to settle their obligations for orders delivered or services rendered.

In conclusion, VAT loans offer a practical and efficient way for small businesses to manage their finances better. VAT loans provide flexibility and convenience that is not offered by traditional bank loans. If you would like more information on why VAT loans are vital for the growth of small businesses then please get in touch.

Maximising Your Business Potential with VAT Loans

Maximising Your Business Potential with VAT Loans

As a business owner, you are always looking for ways to grow and expand your business. One of the key ways to do this is by taking advantage of VAT loans. VAT loans allow you to borrow money against the VAT that you are owed by HMRC. This can be a great way to access funds that you need for various business purposes. In this article, we will explore how they work and how you can be maximising your business potential with VAT Loans.

  1. How do VAT loans work?

A VAT loan is a type of business loan that allows you to borrow money against the VAT that you are owed by HMRC. When you sell goods or services, you charge VAT to your customers and collect this money on behalf of HMRC. However, you only pay HMRC the amount of VAT that you have collected from your customers. This means that there is often a lag time between when you collect the VAT and when you pay it to HMRC. This is where VAT loans come in. You can borrow money against the VAT that you are owed, which means that you can access funds before you have actually paid the VAT to HMRC.

  1. How can VAT loans help you maximise your business potential?

VAT loans can be used for a variety of business purposes. For example, you may need to purchase new equipment, hire staff, or invest in marketing campaigns. By taking out a VAT loan, you can access the funds that you need to grow and expand your business. This can help you to maximise your potential by allowing you to take advantage of new opportunities.

  1. What are the benefits of VAT loans?

One of the main benefits of VAT loans is that they are relatively easy to obtain. Since you are borrowing against money that you are owed by HMRC, lenders are often more willing to issue loans. Additionally, VAT loans can be more flexible than traditional business loans, allowing you to access funds quickly and easily. VAT loans also offer competitive interest rates, making them a cost-effective way to access funds.

  1. How do you qualify for a VAT loan?

In order to qualify for a VAT loan, you will need to have a VAT number and be registered for VAT. You will also need to have a good credit score and a good repayment history. Lenders will also consider the size of your business and your financial standing when evaluating your loan application. It is important to work with a reputable lender who has experience in providing VAT loans in order to ensure that you get the best possible terms and rates.

In conclusion, VAT loans can be an excellent way for business owners to access funds that they need to grow and expand their business. If you would like more information on maximising your business potential with VAT loans then please contact us.

The Ultimate VAT Loan Checklist for Businesses

The Ultimate VAT Loan Checklist for Businesses

Managing financials is one of the most crucial aspects that you need to take care of when running a business to ensure the smooth running of your enterprise. And among all financial aspects, Value Added Tax (VAT) can be quite confusing for you, especially if your business operates in different countries and regions. However, if you need cash for your VAT obligations, VAT loans can be an excellent solution. The ultimate VAT loan checklist for businesses below will help you get started.

  1. Understand What Is VAT

The first step towards taking a VAT loan is to understand the tax and its implications. Value Added Tax, as the name suggests, is a tax added at each stage of production and distribution. The final consumer pays for it, but businesses collect it on behalf of the government and claim back the VAT they’ve paid on their input. The percentage of VAT may vary depending on many factors such as the products or services types or the country where your business is located.

  1. Evaluate Your VAT Obligations

The next step is to evaluate your VAT obligations. If your enterprise is small and has a low VAT threshold, you may not need to collect VAT. Ensure that you hire a skilled VAT expert who can review your VAT obligations and provide you with personalised guidance.

  1. Check Your Financial Health

Lenders use your financial statements and cash flow projections to determine if you are eligible for a VAT loan. So, make sure that your financial records are in order and up-to-date. Besides, monitoring your financial health regularly will help you identify potential issues and give you time to take corrective measures.

  1. Find the Right Lender

When looking for a VAT loan, you need to find a suitable lender who understands your financial needs and has flexible repayment terms to match your cash flow cycle. You can compare the different VAT loan rates, fees, and lending conditions offered by various lenders. Additionally, you can talk to your accountant, business partners, or other entrepreneurs to get recommendations.

  1. Remember to Claim Back Your VAT

After receiving a VAT loan, you need to keep track of VAT payments carefully. Ensure that you submit timely VAT returns and claim back the VAT you paid on your inputs. This will help improve your cash flow and lower your finance costs.

VAT loans can help you secure cash to cover your VAT obligations, but make sure that you understand your VAT obligations, check your financial health, find the right lender, and remember to claim back your VAT. If you would like more information on the ultimate VAT loan checklist for businesses then please get in touch.

Say Goodbye to Waiting for Tax Refunds Using Adsum

Say Goodbye to Waiting for Tax Refunds Using Adsum

As a business owner, you know how frustrating it can be to wait for your tax refund. It always seems to take forever to come through. However, there’s now a new way of getting your refund quickly and efficiently. It’s called Adsum, and it’s revolutionising the way businesses get their tax refunds. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring all the benefits and how you can say goodbye to waiting for tax refunds using Adsum.

1. How Does Adsum Work?

Adsum is a smart software developed to help businesses navigate the tax refund process. It does this by streamlining the entire process from start to finish. Firstly, Adsum’s smart algorithms identify any possible tax refunds or allowances that your business is eligible for. This includes all types of business structures, from sole traders to limited companies. Once it identifies your tax refunds or allowances, Adsum automatically submits your claim to HMRC on your behalf. Therefore you don’t have to worry about filling out any paperwork or navigating the complex tax system. You can simply sit back and relax, knowing that Adsum is doing all the hard work for you.

2. What Are the Benefits of Using Adsum?

The benefits of using Adsum are clear. Firstly, it saves you time. You don’t have to waste hours filling out paperwork or trying to figure out the tax system. Secondly, it saves you money. Adsum’s algorithms are designed to identify every possible tax refund or allowance you’re eligible for, maximising the amount of money you receive. Finally, it reduces the chance of errors. Adsum’s smart software is designed to eliminate any errors or mistakes that may occur during the tax refund process. However, the biggest USP is that you are able to receive the money in your account within 60 minutes. This is miles away from the usual 30 days it could take to get the money in your account for a VAT refund.

3. Who Can Use Adsum?

Adsum can be used by any business owner looking to claim a tax refund or allowance. Whether you’re a sole trader, partnership, or limited company, Adsum’s smart algorithms can identify any potential refunds or allowances that you’re eligible for. However, Adsum can also be used by accountants or financial advisors, further streamlining the tax refund process for their clients.

4. How Much Does Adsum Cost?

Adsum is incredibly affordable and transparent. Their fee structure is based on a percentage of your tax refunds or allowances. This means you only pay when you receive a refund, and there are no hidden fees or charges.

5. How Do I Get Started with Adsum?

Getting started with Adsum is easy. Simply visit their website and create an account. Once you’ve completed the registration process, you can begin submitting your tax refund or allowance claims. Adsum’s smart software will do the rest, therefore ensuring you receive your refund quickly and efficiently.

Contact Us:

In conclusion, Adsum is a game-changer for small business owners looking to claim their tax refunds or allowances quickly and efficiently. Its smart algorithms eliminate errors and maximise the amount of money you receive. Best of all, its affordable fee structure and transparent pricing make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. Say goodbye to waiting for tax refunds and hello to using Adsum. Contact us to find out more today.

How VAT Loans Can Help Your Business Thrive

How VAT Loans Can Help Your Business Thrive

Did you know that VAT loans can provide significant financial support when it comes to managing your business’s cash flow? As a form of short-term financing, VAT loans can help you boost your cash reserves. It also helps pay your bills on time and take advantage of new opportunities without impacting your bottom line. In today’s blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about how VAT loans can help your business thrive.

What is a VAT loan?

A VAT loan is a type of short-term financing that helps businesses finance their VAT obligations. It is a loan based on a business’s future VAT returns, which the lender will advance to the business owner. This type of loan can be useful to businesses that struggle with cash flow issues. It enables them to manage their cash effectively and avoid any penalties incurred due to missed VAT payments.

How does it work?

A VAT loan works similarly to other types of loans, albeit with a few distinct differences. When a business applies for a VAT loan, the lender will assess the business’s VAT return and its likelihood of repayment. Once approved, the lender will typically advance the business owner up to 80% of their anticipated VAT return. The business owner can then use the loan to pay their bills and manage their cash flow effectively.

What are the benefits of VAT loans?

One of the primary benefits of VAT loans is that they can be used to manage a business’s cash flow effectively. As mentioned above, the loan allows the business owner to pay their bills and meet their financial obligations on time. Additionally, VAT loans provide an opportunity for businesses to take advantage of new opportunities without worrying about cash flow restrictions.

Are there any risks involved?

As with any type of loan, there are risks involved with VAT loans. One potential risk is that you may incur additional fees and charges if you do not repay the loan on time. Additionally, if your VAT return is less than anticipated, you may not be able to repay the loan in full, which could lead to further financial difficulties.

In conclusion, VAT loans can be an invaluable tool for businesses that want to manage their cash flow effectively. They provide an opportunity to pay bills on time, take advantage of new opportunities and avoid penalties incurred due to missed VAT payments. However, it is important to consider the risks involved before applying for a VAT loan. If you would like more information on how VAT loans can help your business thrive then please contact us today.

Demystifying VAT Loans

Demystifying VAT Loans: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners

Running a business is no small feat, and managing your finances is a key component of that. One major expense that causes concern for many business owners is Value Added Tax (VAT). VAT is a tax that businesses charge on their goods and services, and business owners must then pass this tax on to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). For many small businesses with limited cash flow, VAT can be a real strain on finances, especially when the payment deadline is just around the corner. This is where VAT loans come in. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about VAT loans so you can make an informed decision for your business.

What is a VAT Loan?

Simply put, a VAT loan is a type of loan that allows businesses to cover VAT payments much more comfortably. With a VAT loan, a lender will pay HMRC directly on behalf of the business, and the business owner will then repay the loan in instalments. This spread-out payment method helps ease the burden on businesses who can’t afford to make one large VAT payment upfront. If you’re in a position where you are struggling to pay VAT, a VAT loan could be the solution for you.

How Does a VAT Loan Work?

VAT loans work in much the same way as other loans. You will need to apply for the loan with a lender and provide some necessary documentation. After approval, the lender will pay the outstanding VAT amount directly to HMRC on behalf of your business. You will then repay the loan to the lender in instalments, along with interest and fees. It’s worth noting that the interest rates and fees charged will depend on the lender.

Benefits of a VAT Loan

The primary benefit of a VAT loan is that it provides businesses with much-needed cash flow assistance. Trying to meet VAT deadlines can be incredibly stressful for business owners, and a VAT loan can help to alleviate that pressure. Additionally, as VAT payments are a recurring expense, a VAT loan can offer predictable and steady repayments over time, which can be beneficial in budgeting and cash flow forecasting.

Things to Consider When Applying for a VAT Loan

When applying for a VAT loan, there are several things to keep in mind. Firstly, ensure that you have explored all other options and are confident that a VAT loan is the best choice for your business. Secondly, consider the interest rates and fees charged by different lenders, as these can vary significantly. Finally, be sure to read and understand all the terms and conditions of the loan before signing any agreements.

VAT loans can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to manage cash flow and meet their VAT payment obligations. By taking the time to research and compare options, businesses can ensure they get the best deal on their VAT loan. So, if your business is struggling with VAT payments, why not consider a VAT loan today and take some of the stress off your plate? Contact us today to find out more.

VAT and Corporation Tax funding

VAT and Corporation Tax funding

VAT and Corporation Tax funding for companies is nothing new. As a multi-million-pound business in the UK, there are thousands of solicitors, accountants and architects already using this service. However, this “funding” product has not found its way into the mainstream for SMEs that make up the heart of British business.

How can these small and medium sized companies, and even larger ones if required, fund their VAT and Corporation Tax?

The first option could be a bank loan. Plenty has been written about why banks are not lending. The time it takes to apply for a bank loan, or the fees associated with it.

Second are Peer to Peer lenders and other specialist companies that will loan a business money. They will always ask for a personal guarantee. You may even find your details in the public domain, as they post your details on a portal raising money from the public at large. Whilst this can be an option, it is not always the simplest and quickest solution for your company.

Logic dictates that most companies who are running an accounting system will know at any time what their VAT liability is. Hence, they should have no need to borrow to finance an HMRC bill. The reality proves that this assumption is not the case for several reasons we will highlight later.

So, why do companies look to fund their VAT and Corporation Tax liability?

Companies will often set aside their VAT / Tax money with the intention of paying it on the last day possible. Funding this money instead allows you to invest in other projects without having to speak to your bank.

Clients sometimes find themselves in a position where they have raised a sales invoice but not yet received the corresponding purchase invoice from a supplier. This can artificially increase their VAT liability for a quarter.

Many accountants and solicitors find themselves raising invoices for work completed, but then must wait a long time to be paid. Many other types of companies also find themselves in this same situation.

With regards to Corporation Tax, sometimes the bill bears no resemblance to the actual cash position of the company. Especially since the bill becomes due nine months after the year end. Spreading the payment over the next year can be highly beneficial.

Loans are available from £8,000 and can be repaid over three to twelve months. You can pay the first direct debit immediately. Or you can choose to delay it until one month after HMRC have been paid.

Contact Us

For more information on VAT and Corporation Tax funding or for a free no obligation quote, please give a member of the VAT Loans team a call on 01494 956 871 or email us on [email protected].


A Guide to Calculating Profit

Knowing your business’ profits is essential for any successful business owner. Having a firm grasp on the finances of your company will help you make important decisions and understand how your business is doing.

But with all the different financial components, it can be hard to keep track of everything. Let’s break down how to calculate profit and learn why it’s so important for your success.

What is Profit?

Profit is the amount of money that a business makes after deducting expenses from its total revenue. Put another way, it is the difference between what a business earns and what it spends in order to make money. It reflects how well a business is doing financially at any given time. The higher the profit margin, the more money a company can reinvest in itself and grow.

Calculating Profit Margin

The first step in calculating profit margin is figuring out how much revenue your company has earned over a specific period of time—this could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Once you have that number, subtract all expenses related to running the business (like salaries and overhead costs) from that total revenue figure. This leaves you with net income or net profit—the money left over after all costs are taken into consideration. This can then be divided by total revenue in order to get an accurate profit margin percentage.

For example, if your company earned £100,000 in revenue last month and spent £25,000 on expenses during that same period of time, then your net profit would be £75,000 (£100,000 – £25,000).

To find out what percentage of total sales was actual profit, divide 75 by 100 (£75K/£100K), which equals 0.75 or 75%. That means that 75% of your company’s sales last month were pure profits!

By understanding this number, you can make informed decisions about where to invest more money. Alternatively, where to cut back to maximize efficiency and profitability going forward.

Why Is Calculating Profit Important?

Knowing how much profit your company makes each month helps you stay organised and plan for future growth. It also gives you insight into how efficiently you are running operations and whether any changes need to be made. Are your overheads are getting the best of your business? here are some tips on managing your business funds.

Additionally, calculating profits allows you to track spending habits so that you know exactly where every penny goes within the organisation. This ensures that resources are being used as effectively as possible.

Calculating profits may seem intimidating but it doesn’t have to be! Once you know what steps to take it’s actually quite straightforward! Understanding this number will help businesses make informed decisions about their businesses’ finances. Whilst also allowing them to plan ahead for long-term success and sustainability.

Contact Us

Are you looking to invest into the growth of your business? Business loans are a great way to get an instant cash injection into your business. Get a FREE no obligation quote today, give us a call on 01494 956 871 or send an email to [email protected].